Registration for the exhibition is only possible online at www.onlinedogshows.sk.
The user registers in the system only once. Register each dog in the system only once. If you need to make changes to the dog's card, contact the organizer at info@onlinedogshows.sk. We will be happy to send you forgotten login data.
Acceptance of the application will be confirmed with an entry letter approximately 5 days before the exhibition.
The entry form will then be available in the online system www.onlinedogshows.sk, where dog owners can conveniently print it. Catalog numbers are also part of the admission sheet, numbers are not issued at the exhibition.
The mini-catalogue will be published on the exhibition website about a week before the exhibition. In it you will find the division of the circles, the timetable for the entry of individual breeds into the circles. If your breed will be judged among the last, it is not necessary to be at the show from the beginning.
The online catalog will be published on the website www.skjshows.sk/nv/ on each day of the exhibition, no earlier than 1 hour before the start of judging. The catalog is not issued in printed form.
The recording of the results in the certificates of origin and the awarding of prizes will take place in a reserved area, which will be marked on the exhibition site map.
The exhibition of the Slovak championships will take place in the reserved area of ​​the Slovak Kynological Union (SKJ), the place will be marked on the map of the exhibition grounds.
Take advantage of the opportunity to create a unique memory in the photo booths that we will prepare for you and your dogs in the halls of the exhibition center.
We wish you a pleasant experience and look forward to seeing you!